Recruiter dashboard

Job listings

Post a new job

After you create your job listing, you’ll be able to choose the listing package you wish to purchase. You can compare their differences below:

Bronze package

£149 (+VAT)

BPA members £75 (+VAT)

Job ad live for up to a month

Logo included in your listing

Categorise your listing by sector

Included in job alerts

Silver package

£249 (+VAT)

BPA members £199 (+VAT)

Job ad live for up to a month

Logo included in your listing

Categorise your listing by sector

Included in job alerts

Featured recruiter on home page for up to a month

Gold package

£599 (+VAT)

BPA members £499 (+VAT)

Job ad live for up to a month

Logo included in your listing

Categorise your listing by sector

Included in job alerts

Featured recruiter on home page for up to a month

Featured job on every page for up to a month

¼ page print advert in "Parking News" magazine

Featured in the BPA’s fortnightly e-newsletter

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